Mermaid World App Reviews

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Please fix bug error 117

Love this game but keeps saying internet connection was lost error 117. Feel like the $$$ i spent was a waste since cant play anymore. Please fix this bug!

Error 117

I am sorry that I am giving this a one star because every time when I visit it it says the same thing no matter what I tried do it will just be error 117. I am starting to get tired of error 117 in mermaid world, so I will just leave it alone until the next update comes, hopefully mermaid world will get better after the next update. And I will just come home after school everyday without anything to be excited about, no new mermaids, no waking them up,etc. I hope you read this review because I still have hope that you can fix it

Bad!!!! Needs bug fixes

Has to many bugs. Way to glitchy

Please bring back limited edition mermaids and please fix wont let me get into the game!!!

So I had this game on my iPod a couple years back and I almost had all the mermaids.I have this game on my phone and there are no Limited Edition Mermaids!!!PLS bring them back bc I had it on my iPod and the iPod got so old that it deleted my game and I had to start over again.i just got this on my phone and there are no limited edition mermaids !!!!! PLS bring back especially the sun star mermaid!!!

Still Crashing

Every time I connect my game to Facebook it crashes. I have started my game over at least 4 times and frankly I am just over it. People have been complaining about the glitches for over 3 years and still nothing so this time I am deleting the game for good. Dont waste your time with this game, you will be disappointed when you lose all that youve worked so hard to create.

I love the game but yall need to fix it

I just redownloaded the game, and it wont let me play saying I dont have internet but I do. UPDATE THIS APP PLEASE! I always loved the game and I want to play. It doesnt work in either of my IOS 10 devices and yalls websiter says it works with IOS 4.: and newer!!!! Yall are lying!!!!!

No .

If yall can fix the bug update thatd be great . I kinda dont want to have to delete the app and reinstall it over and over again .

Mermaid World

I love this game a lot and I used to play a lot but the makers of the this game needs to update it so it could work .

No New Mermaids For Years Now.

What happened to all the fun holiday and specialty mermaids? My daughter and I (and many of her friends) love playing mermaid world... Weve tolerated and survived all the glitches but as soon as we achieved the highest mermaid, you added more, along with the realms, (which was awesome) but weve been calling for years and havent gotten but one of the new ones...And youve had no holiday or specialty Mermaids in years. Which now makes for a very boring game. Im afraid youve lost my daughter and her friends. I still play but have to admit, Im losing interest too. Where are the holiday and specialty Mermaids that keep us signing in to see whats new and exciting?!

I love this game but....

I used to play this game all the time! Now, it crashes! The loading screen pops up, then it says error and I press ok, then it crashes!! Plz help or update the game!!!


On mermaid world,you can do really fun things! Thats what I think. Please update it so it will be more fun!

Fix it

I would like this better but anytime I click into it I get an error that says servers cannot connect. And when I pay for things with pearls the pearl count goes down but no trinkets appear. Very disappointed.

This game was pretty cool but then I started getting this weird error message saying something about unusual activity. I thought it was weird and unfair since I had worked hard on the game. I thought I was the only one who was getting this weird message. Is it a bug? Can they fix it?

Good Game but...

It would be way better to be able to unlock all the mermaids and not to have to purchase them. I am now level 17 and its been 4 level ups since I unlocked a mermaid, Id love to be able to unlock the diamonds, gold, stars and even featured mermairds or O am going to get bored and quit the game


I really love this game but he crash always when I want to place a mermaid...


Très bien mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi le jeu me met :unusual activity was detected and the incident has been reported ! Juste au dessus il est marqué ERROR Alors svp dites moi pourquoi le jeu me met cela Merci


Total süss


Mto legal

Plzzzz fix!!

When i put the game on, it starts to load...then when its done loading it goes back to the home page!! Plzzz fix!!

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