Ive played Mermaid World on and off. When I was 9, I had quit once I obtained the Sea Dragon Mermaid. I came back to this game because I miss playing it. The thing is, it really has a lot of bugs. When I went to get some coins from a realm, I realized my Domino mermaid was missing. In her place, was a question mark. I tapped on it and it still had her information, but she returned after a day. Today, its saying Error--unable to read the rest because it closes the game a millisecond later.. I turned my WiFi off to see if it was the problem and it still didnt work. Fix that please. Anyways, my final result is the LE mermaids. I said once I completed the normal mermaids and possibly gilded, I was going to work on obtaining the Limited Edition. I started early once Chromia finished her arrival time. The first one I tried to get was Bubbles and it took...10 tries at least. I mean..how rare are they supposed to be? Rarer than Shimmer, Spectra, and others? This game was my childhood. What happened?
ToontownBuildingBusters about
Mermaid World